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Pope renews Argentine passport, identity card

HIV no longer means death in Peru, but U.S. priest says more needs done

German cardinal, author of book on mercy, to address world's cardinals

Facing the truth about ourselves is a step toward holiness, pope says

Massachusetts abbey now producing only Trappist ale outside Europe

Miami archbishop joins other bikers in 'Ride With God' fundraiser

Belgium passes law to allow euthanasia for small children

New York bishops urge 'love, respect' for people with mental illness

Washington state's bishops back governor's moratorium on death penalty

Spanish bishops back bill that restricts abortion for rape, health

Sr. Rose Pacatte to receive University of Dayton's Kane Award

Hobby Lobby files brief with Supreme Court in HHS mandate case

Draw strength from spirituality, cardinal tells Indian bishops

Pope Francis: Going to Mass should be a life-changing event

New stem-cell method offers another alternative to embryonic research

Church workers rejoice, recall challenges as India declared polio-free

New study on abortion rate doesn't tie drop to new state restrictions

Pope names bishop for Albany diocese; Rockville Centre to get auxiliary

A turbulent year that strengthened the papacy

Living in remodeled convent, Pope Benedict is not cloistered, aides say
