Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Top Vatican cardinal says Pope Francis' reforms will continue

Faith, hope, love are antidote to pride, pope says at audience

Pope meets head of Cisco as AI ethics pact continues to grow

A better world can't be built 'lying on the couch,' pope tells children

Pope, Council of Cardinals continue discussion of women in the church

Pope pleads for military restraint in the Middle East

Pope turns Rome catechism class into 'school of prayer'

Pope asks Bible scholars to highlight Jesus' care for those who suffer

'Patriarch of the West' reappears as papal title in Vatican yearbook

Take evil seriously, pope says at general audience

Papal appointments bring changes to Diocese of Rome

Religions must counter war rhetoric with focus on peace, pope says

Tears flow as pope washes feet of women inmates at Rome prison

Pope writes to Holy Land Catholics living under 'dark clouds of Good Friday'

Pope writes meditations for Via Crucis at Colosseum, Vatican says

At audience, pope looks at virtue of prudence, prays for peace

Rome biblical and Eastern institutes merged with Gregorian University

Respect life by opposing war, Vatican officials say in Ramadan message

Pope sets up groups to study most controversial issues raised at synod

Vatican appeals court upholds climate activists' conviction

