Claire Giangravé

By this Author

14 disabled children flee Afghanistan with the help of Catholic priest and nuns

Cardinal Burke on ventilator days after testing positive for coronavirus

Film series 'The Chosen' explores its Catholic side in the Eternal City

From friendships to slogans, the Vatican makes its mark at the Tokyo Olympics

Pope Francis' September visit to Slovakia is met with excitement despite COVID-19 concerns

When it comes to LGBTQ Catholics, what Pope Francis giveth, the Vatican taketh away

At Easter, Pope Francis invited transgender group to Vatican to receive coronavirus vaccine

How Pope Francis and Vatican activists helped rein in Big Oil on climate change

What Catholic bishops are actually saying about denying Communion to politicians

Incoming Bishop Stephen Chow says he feels the pressure of leading Hong Kong diocese

Vatican employees criticize pay cuts by Pope Francis as 'anti-meritocratic and disincentivizing'

After coup, Myanmar Catholics fear the 'target on our back'

With Pope Francis' blessing, Catholics pressed Biden White House to waive vaccine patents

Vatican prelate says individual bishops have final say on Communion

Pope Francis criticizes 'paternalism' of populist politicians

Vatican Museums reopen, but visitors decry lack of social distancing

German bishops' summit considers women and lay roles as answer to abuse crisis

Cardinal Parolin addresses financial scandals, China and Iraq in new interview

Tolkien fans hope to turn his house into a 'Rivendell' for writers and filmmakers

Priest accused of abetting alleged sex abuse ring is hired by diocesan charity

