Dennis Sadowski

Dennis Sadowski

Dennis Sadowski is a freelance writer in Avon, Ohio, and has worked in the Catholic press for more than 25 years.

By this Author

Catholic Charities agencies respond to influx of trafficking victims

Detroit's bankruptcy a chance for city to become livable again

Living in car with sons, Detroit woman embodies city's challenges

Madagascar archbishop confirms no contraceptives in CRS programs

Guantanamo Bay prison poses moral dilemma for White House

US sisters launch united effort against trafficking

Bishops remind Congress that poor must be first in budget priorities

Religious leaders urge Congress to end budget brinksmanship

In the face of secrecy, drone warfare faces barrage of moral questions

Pope Benedict's resignation announcement stuns world religious leaders

Assisted-suicide bill passes first committee vote in N.J. Assembly

Journalists expect Obama to forcefully pursue legislative agenda

Citing conscience laws, Illinois judge halts contraceptive mandate

Federal court panel dismisses ACLU challenge of USCCB trafficking grant

Bishops remain focused on 'responsible restrictions' on gun ownership

Bopha survivors struggle to find shelter in storm-ravaged Philippines

CRS, Caritas Philippines ready to speed relief to thousands after storm

Bishops to reorganize communications, hire director

Massachusetts defeats assisted suicide; California keeps death penalty

Gift of $20 million helps launch Georgetown Environment Initiative
