Dennis Sadowski

Dennis Sadowski

Dennis Sadowski is a freelance writer in Avon, Ohio, and has worked in the Catholic press for more than 25 years.

By this Author

Religious investors welcome Midwest utilities' action on climate change

Cardinal Tagle says everyone has a little migrant in their soul

Bishop Stowe joins Pax Christi USA board as episcopal president

Bishops consider plans to revitalize appeal of a Catholic education

Memphis Diocese to close inner-city Catholic school network

Natural disasters prompt church to raise millions for aid, recovery

Tax bill passes amid concerns about future effects on poor

Bishop lays out detailed policies for 'morally acceptable' tax reform

Mexican, American bishops offer moral guidelines for NAFTA talks

Civility must guide debate on social challenges, USCCB president says

Concern rises over impact of expected tax cuts on programs for the poor

Share the Journey campaign urges Catholics to connect with migrants

Bishop Braxton calls action to end racism imperative for every American

Discussion focuses on civility, tolerance as key to religious freedom

Eclipse thrills, inspires viewers to admire the precision of creation

Eclipse a way to appreciate creation, Vatican astronomer tells audience

Bishop Cantu calls for diplomacy to ease U.S.-North Korea differences

Upcoming eclipse a sign of end times? Hardly so, Wisconsin priest says

Ohio artist restores religious statues, stirs memories of closed parishes

Convocation delegates sent home to imitate Jesus in reaching the margins
