Doreen Ajiambo

Doreen Ajiambo is the Africa/Middle East correspondent for Global Sisters Report based in Kenya. She covers the missions and ministries of Catholic women religious and writes about humanitarian and environmental issues across sub-Saharan Africa that affect the people they serve. Her previous work has been published by Religion News Service, Catholic News Service, Refugees Deeply, USA Today and the Global Post, among other outlets.  

By this Author

Sisters offer lifesaving care at Kakuma Refugee Hospital

Sisters, world leaders commit to campaign for gender equality at Rwanda conference

Women Deliver Conference looks to Rwanda as a model for gender equality

Women's rights advocates, sisters gather in Rwanda for gender equality

Amid prolonged drought, sisters in Kenya fend off starvation in pastoral villages

Sisters on annual pilgrimage remember martyrs and pray for Uganda's soul

Sisters in Africa lead exchange of ideas on reforming care for vulnerable children

In Kakuma Refugee Camp, sisters foster peace between warring South Sudanese tribes

Sisters shut down ministries, flee Sudan with thousands of others amid growing violence

Cult deaths prompt Kenyan sisters, religious leaders to call for strict scrutiny of churches

'Sisters are the only hope' after southern Africa's devastating Cyclone Freddy

Kenyan priest and sister tackle youth drug abuse, teen pregnancy

'He is the only hope we have': South Sudan's religious, refugees pray papal visit will restore peace

Last-minute COP27 deal on loss and damage called 'a real breakthrough'

What religious and civil leaders in Africa expect from COP27

Teen moms in Lesotho find shelter, education with local sisters

Q & A with Sr. Eusebia Maselitso Lerotholi, caring for children left behind in Lesotho

Kenyan religious leaders praise peace as court upholds election results

Sisters, church leaders call for peace amid Kenya's election protests

After weeks of encouraging peace, Kenyan sisters cast their votes for a new president