Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans

Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans is a frequent contributor to the Global Sisters Report, and a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Religion News Service, National Catholic Reporter, Sojourners, Christian Century, The Washington Post and Philadelphia Inquirer. She resides in Glenmoore, Pennsylvania, with her family.


By this Author

Path to religious life varies, especially when sisters start out non-Catholic

Steeped in Salesian tradition, DC girls school adapts to the times

Nuns on the Bus veterans keep the faith in tumultuous times

The hidden world of addiction and recovery among women religious

A Dominican sister shares her story of addiction, healing

Treatment centers work with religious on mental health, addiction disorders

Immaculata's new president faces modern college challenges

Science and faith a natural fit for climate change marchers

Sisters who blazed trails in higher education preserve heritage, charisms of Catholic universities

At Neumann University: Tea and Franciscan identity

American sisters tackling climate care resolve to stay the course

Q & A with Sr. Melinda Pellerin, on having two callings

Sisters who are also mothers bring new perspectives to religious life

Srs. Julia Elena Abdala and Shirley Arce: After years of searching, a warm welcome with Benedictines

Formation stories: Four women chart different paths to becoming sisters

Ana Gonzalez: An embrace of the unknown leads to discernment as a Dominican

Sr. Elizabeth Sjoberg: Joy and purpose lead to the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul

Carmelite hermitage in the Washington woods, where ‘prayer is friendship with God’

Three Dominican nuns formed new community in 2007, pray seven hours a day

Researcher finds something deeper, life-changing within anonymity of the cloister