When done right, the collection of taxes can promote a culture that protects the well-being of all, especially the poor and least fortunate, Pope Francis said.
The Archdiocese of Madrid provided support, including counseling and psychological treatment, to 72 survivors of sexual abuse in 2021, according to an archdiocesan report.
Preaching long, spiritually empty homilies can reduce the Word of God to a mere set of abstract concepts that fail to awaken one's soul, Pope Francis said.
Companies, especially those in the construction sector, must guarantee safety in the workplace to protect the rights and dignity of their workers, Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis is sending thousands of dollars in relief aid to the Philippines after a devastating typhoon struck the Southeast Asian archipelago in December.
In the wake of a report revealing hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse in Spain, the country's bishops assured Pope Francis that every diocese has established a commission that will investigate allegations of abuse.
The synodal process is a path of engagement that makes room for the Holy Spirit, and not a "majority consensus like a parliament" to guide the universal church, Pope Francis said.
St. Joseph's work as a humble carpenter serves as an example of the dignity of hard work that today is often denied to those in need, Pope Francis said.
As coronavirus cases continue to increase across Italy, the country's bishops issued new guidelines and restrictions meant to curb the spread of infection among the faithful.
Just as the Magi were guided by a shining star, Christians can rest assured that the light of Christ will guide them to a happy and meaningful life, Pope Francis said on the feast of the Epiphany.
As the foster father of Jesus, St. Joseph is an example of the need for loving fathers and mothers in "an age of notorious orphanhood," Pope Francis said.
To discriminate against or persecute those who profess their faith is an intolerable act that threatens the fraternal bonds shared by humanity, Pope Francis said.
"Patients are always more important than their diseases, and for this reason, no therapeutic approach can disregard listening to the patient, his or her history, anxieties and fears," the pope wrote.