Phyllis Zagano

Phyllis Zagano holds a research appointment at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York. Her most recent book is Just Church: Catholic Social Teaching, Synodality, and Women (Paulist, 2023).

By this Author

After the Amazon synod, a circus-like sideshow

Married priests and women deacons: It's about law, not doctrine

Women walking together, away from the church

People are suffering, dying; please stop the rhetoric!

Boundaries and borders serve 'us,' while all others suffer

The problem of clericalism makes transparency impossible

Women Deacons 101: Final Exam

Look up at the altar, where are the women?

Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel

The catechism of Cardinal Gerhard Müller

It's not about women priests

The sky is falling and media help it fall

Why not have a woman run a diocese?

The synod: Who is listening to whom?

What can we say about the Synod of Bishops? The optics are not good

Will we ever know the truth?

#MeToo, Your Excellency

As US secures its borders from women and 8-year-olds, the Gospel gets blamed

Imagining Catholicism at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

On messages and messengers
