Religion News Service

By this Author

Mass. Supreme Court to hear case against 'under God' in Pledge of Allegiance

Bhutan bans religious activities ahead of election

Neither Obama nor Romney? Some Christians vote for 'None of the Above'

Kenyan churches say herbs threaten HIV/AIDS patients

As Romney moves to middle, pro-life activists cover right flank

Report: Knights of Columbus a top funder of anti-gay-marriage drives

Jewish and Christian groups at impasse over U.S. aid to Israel

As Mitt Romney moves to the middle, anti-abortion activists try to cover his right flank

Nuns on the Bus meet tea party protests in Ohio

After a year of exile, anti-abortion priest Frank Pavone is back

Catholic bishops rebuke Biden over contraception mandate claims

Will Biden-Ryan debate be a 'Catholic smackdown'?

50 years after Vatican II, should Pope John XXIII be a saint?

Poll: Most Americans don't mind religious athletes

Poll: Most Americans don't think Scientology is a religion

Pope tells SSPX traditionalists they must accept Second Vatican Council

Michigan man ordered to study history of Hindusim after hate crime conviction

Poll: Obama surges ahead among Catholic voters

Update: Judge allows Texas cheerleaders to use Bible banners

Judge blocks New Orleans law that prevents preaching in French Quarter

