Religion News Service

By this Author

The lesson for bishops from Benedict report: Apologize, apologize, apologize

Catholic bishops fight Biden but affirm his election

New book examines the religious lives of people without homes

Catholic pro-choice activists project messages onto DC basilica in protest

Pope Francis attacked cancel culture. It sounds better than 'ideological colonization.'

As Pope Francis' critics vent their anger, what comes out is vaccine disinformation

Growing old with grace and kindness: The life and lives of Sidney Poitier

Mark, a Gospel for Ordinary Time

How Ohio's Indigenous sacred sites became a religious flashpoint

Was Mary Magdalene really from Magdala? Two scholars examine the evidence

Earth: One of God's failed experiments?

With child tax credit stance, Manchin runs afoul of former faith allies

The Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life takes on vaccine skeptics on social media

'Refusal to engage': Gen Z sees gap in support of LGBTQ+ rights among faith groups

Five years after his death, Leonard Cohen is more than ever a man for our times

A 'Catholic' diocese that values internet hierarchy over religious expertise

There are no African American saints. A lay Catholic group seeks to change that.

Get vaccinated, get a booster

LA archdiocese sues local school district in dispute over allocation of federal funds

Rashad Hussain confirmed as first Muslim US religious freedom ambassador

