Religion News Service

By this Author

Film series 'The Chosen' explores its Catholic side in the Eternal City

Infrastructure bill includes energy efficiency grants for houses of worship

Study: Gen Z doubles down on spirituality, combining tarot and traditional faith

Maine faith leaders sign letter calling on Sen. Susan Collins to back For the People Act

The climate apocalypse is real, and it is coming

COVID-19, global warming and diminishing Catholic guilt

From friendships to slogans, the Vatican makes its mark at the Tokyo Olympics

White House announces new religious affairs leaders, first Muslim religious freedom ambassador

Mary, mother of Jesus, returns as an icon for pop stars and social justice warriors

Even a pope needs a medical directive

State finds LA public school district kept millions of federal funds from Catholic schools

Pope Francis' September visit to Slovakia is met with excitement despite COVID-19 concerns

Survey: Vaccine hesitancy declines, spurred partly by religious appeals

Confessions of an exhausted Catholic

The Latin Mass is not going away soon

The Pillar investigation of Msgr. Burrill is unethical, homophobic innuendo

Thousands gather in California for unveiling of Lady of La Vang shrine

Tokyo archbishop bans Olympians from Catholic churches amid surge in COVID-19 cases

Amid Catholic opposition, states are legalizing composting of human remains

Descendants of enslaved people join dig on former Jesuit plantation

