Religion News Service

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As chaos hits Capitol, two forms of faith on display

What to expect on the religious scene in 2021: Experts cast their sights on the year ahead

2020 has tested the heart and soul of America

Religion News Service: Our 11 best stories from a terrible year

'Lo, a virgin shall conceive' ... or not, depending on the translation

DC church replaces Black Lives Matter banner destroyed by 'Proud Boys'

How a podcast is helping this Catholic and gay Latino man break the stigma

Biden laces Electoral College victory speech with Scripture and Prayer of St. Francis

Pope's new book speaks to Americans on racism, immigration and gender equity

Do you see what I see? Planetary alignment to create a 'Christmas star'

Drive-thru live Nativities are tailor-made for a COVID-19 Christmas

Disgraced Cardinal Becciu seeks redemption by putting up a fight

Latino Protestants more conservative, supportive of Trump than Latino Catholics, poll finds

Like Joe Biden, many Catholics find the rosary to be a comfort and anchor in crisis

Biden says Americans can worship in person 'safely.' But what does that mean?

US Catholic bishops' response to McCarrick report is sad but predictable

Vatican and US join to condemn rising anti-Semitism

McCarrick scandal shows why popes, like John Paul, should not be canonized

A blue surprise? As Arizona trends toward Biden, Latino voters stand out

Worse than bungling, McCarrick report shows Vatican failed to take abuse seriously

