Religion News Service

By this Author

Faith groups: new immigration order still anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant

Reza Aslan tries to make a 'Believer' out of everyone

Senators want $20 million for JCCs and other faith-based community centers

Notre Dame avoids Trump controversy as Pence to receive honorary degree

Digital devotion: Christians get social media, other online tools to observe Lent

Pope paints picture of Sweden that is at odds with Trump's

Steven Spielberg movie to examine notorious Catholic kidnapping of Jewish boy

Would-be Dutch Prime Minister: Islam threatens our way of life

Constitutionality of leaked executive order on religious freedom called into question

Trump retains LGBT State Department official, frustrating Christian conservatives

Trump’s wish to ban Muslim immigration is widely shared in Europe

Vietnamese refugee priest to Trump: Give my citizenship to a Syrian

Pope Francis seeks forgiveness from clergy abuse victims

Ken Starr on shortlist to head Office of International Religious Freedom

Collecting human rights prize, Yazidi lawmaker calls travel ban ‘unfair’

Vatican defends including China at organ-trafficking summit

Trump interview throws spotlight on Christian broadcaster

Australian archbishop: 'As Catholics, we hang our heads in shame'

In Kenya, a pastor fights female genital mutilation with the gospel

SNAP founder quits in second major loss for abuse advocacy group following lawsuit

