Tom Roberts

Tom Roberts was NCR executive editor from October 2018 through April 2020. Tom was NCR editor from 2000-2008. He is the author of The Emerging Catholic Church: A Community's Search for Itself (2011) and Joan Chittister: Her Journey from Certainty to Faith (2015), both published by Orbis Books.

By this Author

Artist William Kelly believes we can 'change things for the better'

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SNAP's evolution evident at gathering, in wake of departures

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The clergy's task is unfinished in confronting sex abuse

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Archbishop Quinn: Shaped by and steeped in Vatican II reforms

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"Encuentre causa común" aconseja el vocero a NCR

Los documentos financieros de Los Caballeros de Colón revelan riqueza e influencia

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Knights of Columbus' financial forms show wealth, influence

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