Second Wednesday, September 13, 2023-May 8, 2024

Delve deeply into the heart of Franciscan spirituality with a monthly discussion of In the Footsteps of Francis and Clare by Roch Niemier, OFM, with the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Frankfort, IL. Beginning on Wednesday, September 13, the program will be held in the Assisi Center, 9201 W. St. Francis Road, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Gatherings will continue monthly on the second Wednesday through May 2024.

September 10, 2023

With a focus on Franciscan spirituality, we invite you to journey with us on a pilgrimage to the sacred spaces at St. Francis Woods, the campus of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Frankfort, IL. For those with physical limitations, the same program will be replicated indoors in our auditorium. Participants are asked to meet in the Motherhouse Library at 3:00 p.m. on September 10.

Our hope is that this journey will not be just a pleasant experience, but a call to learn and live as God desires.

Every Fourth Monday Starting Sept. 25 for Five Months

Someone once said that the best gift we can give to our God is the gift of ourselves. Do you know who you are to be able to give this gift? To explore this question with young adults, the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Frankfort, IL, are offering a series of reflections with the theme "Becoming the Person that God Created Me to Be." The Enneagram will be used as an instrument to begin this journey of self-knowledge. The reflections will be held over Zoom on the fourth Monday of the month, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. CST, beginning on Sept.

October 20-22, 2023

The Little Sisters of the Poor will be hosting a Missionary Disciples' Service and Discernment Weekend for single Catholic women 18-35 who are exploring religious life as a way to live out their personal call to be missionary disciples. Pray with the Sisters, serve the poor, and engage in discussion with other discerning young women about the call to missionary discipleship. There is no registration fee. Accommodations will be provided, as well as transportation to and from the airport or train station.

Sept. 28-30

Join U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking for our Second Annual Conference in Chicago this year! REGISTER TODAY for this amazing event where we will celebrate our 10th Anniversary and launch our new name and initiatives. 🙌 Visit to become part of this growing collaboration where, together, we can #EndHumanTrafficking! For more information, visit

August 1, 2023

VISION Vocation Guide still strong after 35+ years


Sept. 2, 2023

Catholic women between the ages of 21 and 50 who are discerning their vocation are invited to participate in the FSPA Discernment Day. This provides a chance for you to experience our modern lives and sacred traditions, and reflect on how the Spirit is moving in your life.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Each year the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon honor their Sisters who have reached a significant milestone of prayer, vocation, ministry and service to God through Jubilee.

The nine women who are honored this Jubilee have left an indelible mark on thousands of people through their selfless service and outstanding contributions. 


Mary Stommes, OblSB, was appointed as the new director of oblates for Saint Benedict’s Monastery. She previously served as editor and writer at Give Us This Day.

In the past, oblate directors have always been sisters. After taking counsel, the monastery leadership team decided it was the right time to appoint a director from within the oblate community. In addition to her years of experience as an oblate, Mary is also known and appreciated as a retreat director and has given retreats for several Benedictine communities, including ours.


You’ve heard of the '60s girl-bands the Shirelles and the Supremes, but have you heard of The Guzman Girls? In 1964, a unique girl band burst onto the scene! While other girl bands wore sequined dresses and performed at the Copacabana, the Guzman Girls donned Religious habits and were big hits at church fundraisers and jubilee celebrations!


St. Brigid Parish in Westbury, NY hosted a beautiful farewell for Amityville Dominican Sister Ann Horn and Socorro Moreno as they both retire from the Office of Faith Formation. S. Ann treasured her time at the parish.

"My favorite part of ministry in St. Brigid, is all of the wonderful people that I have met there and all of the wonderful experiences that I have had with them. I will miss them very much," said S. Ann.

July 16, 2023

Sr. Mary Teresa Bettag professed her Perpetual Vows in the Congregation of Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity on July 16, 2023 at a celebration at Holy Family Convent, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Rev. Paul Fliss, pastor of the Sheboygan Southside Catholic Parishes, presided at the Eucharistic Liturgy at which Sr. Mary Teresa's vows were received by Sister Natalie Binversie, Community Director. Sr. Mary Teresa's parents, siblings, friends and the Community of Franciscan Sisters witnessed the happy occasion.


Date: July 14, 2023


Webinar Gives Innovative Way to Raise Awareness on Human Trafficking

March 17 - May 5, 2024

Mercy by the Sea Retreat and Conference Center in Madison, CT, will continue to sponsor a Spring Sabbatical for Women Religious, March 17 - May 5, 2029. This is a time for rest, prayer and reflection, solitude, and community with sisters from various geographies. Trusting that God is at work in our lives and is as close to us as our hearts, this sabbatical will be self-directed with guidance from a staff mentor. For more details, 


July 01, 2023

Ngoc Nguyen

Global Sisters Report

1 July 2023



Sister Kathleen Pruitt, CSJP, Zen teacher and lifelong practitioner of contemplative prayer, has published a new book, Beyond All Galaxies: Poetry and Reflections for the Journey (Kenmare Press, 2023).

July 22, 2023 at 10 am

Please join us for a Jubilee Eucharistic Celebration streaming live from our Gathering Space

at 10:00 am (online)

**Register to receive the live broadcast link here (starting at 9:45 am on Sat. July 22.)**

Read about our Jubilarians here.


On Sunday, June 4, 2023, Sister Karen Rose was installed as the 18th prioress of Saint Benedict’s Monastery in St. Joseph, Minn. It was a joyful day with nearly 400 friends and supporters in attendance. Please pray for our new leadership team, as well as a prayer of gratitude for our outgoing leadership team.

June 4, 2023

The Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia 2023 Jubilee Celebration was held the weekend of June 3-4, 2023. Jubilarians celebrating 50 and 70 years of religious profession gathered at Our Lady of Angels Convent in Aston, Pennsylvania, for a weekend of recalling memories and celebrating both the years past and the years to come.

June 14 @ 2 p.m. EDT

WHAT: You are invited to our virtual briefing on the intersection of human trafficking and migration, “Forced Migration and the Threat of Human Trafficking.”
WHO: U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking (USCSAHT) and the National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd (NAC), faith-based networks that work to end human trafficking, will host the briefing to bring to light the increase of human trafficking in the United States and around the world, much of which results from unprecedented forced migration.
WHEN: Wednesday, June 14, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT

June 2023

Lindenwood Retreat & Conference Center June Offerings




May 7, 2023

Jubilarians Shatter Previous Records

May 7, 2023 was a magnificent day for the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill who celebrated the 147th anniversary of the Congregation’s founding (Foundation Day), and Diamond Jubilees for more than 95 Sisters. The Congregation commemorates Diamond Jubilee celebrations for Sisters celebrating 60, 65, 70, 75, and higher, starting with the year of a Sister’s entrance into the Congregation with her group, which the Sisters call a “band.”


To celebrate Catholic Sisters Week, March 8-14, and the 20th Anniversary of Nativity Academy at St. Boniface, a scholarship fund has been created by Nativity Academy in honor of Ursuline Sisters of Louisville Paula Kleine-Kracht, the first executive director.
The Sister Paula Kleine-Kracht scholarship will help sponsor a student to attend Nativity Academy and provide a scholarship for a Nativity Academy 8th grader to attend a Catholic high school.

July 11, 2023

Sr Dorothy Jean Beyer and Sr Marietta Schindler are celebrating their 60th Jubilee of Monastic Profession on July 11 at Queen of Angels Monastery, Mt Angel, Oregon.