
Organización fundada por una religiosa rompe las cadenas de la trata de personas

Spaces to experience the boundless love of God

NCR, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat win 43 Catholic Media Awards

Women congregations empower Sri Lanka's exploited tea plantation workers

Sisters sponsor refugees in multicultural town outside Montreal

Sri Lanka's Catholic Church begins process to declare bomb victims 'heroes of faith'

Sisters provide crucial support for Haitians in the midst of crisis

Una hermana atestigua el dolor en ejecuciones federales en EE. UU.

Arlington Carmelite nuns withdraw request, lawyers for Fort Worth bishop say

A sus 65 años, CLAR insta a la vida religiosa a "recuperar su voz profética"

Latin America religious urged to continue 'prophetic' 65-year history

Servant of Mary thankful for every part of her 53 years of ministry as nurse, midwife

GSR, NCR reporting honored by Religion News Association

Both Republicans and Democrats spread anti-immigrant views, says Bishop Seitz

En un cementerio de migrantes anónimos, religiosas rezan por los fallecidos

At burial ground for unidentified migrants, sisters pray for the dead

Court condemns Cardinal Marc Ouellet for 'infamous' dismissal of French nun

An Argentine judge recognizes gender abuse suffered for years by 20 nuns in a breakthrough ruling

Una hermana samaritana de los sacerdotes ancianos, enfermos y jubilados

Sr. Marie de Paul Combo: 'Fun nun' and 'fool for Christ' dies at 99