
Working groups help Vatican prepare Laudato Si' Action Platform for launch

New canon on women's ordination nothing new, can be changed

What the new revisions to the Code of Canon Law mean for safeguarding

Pope Francis lends support to UN effort to restore degraded ecosystems

U.S. recognizes Vatican finance, auditing measures

Cardinal Marx submits resignation to Francis, citing church's 'systemic failure' on abuse

Reforming the Vatican Curia: Never easy, and never over

Canadian minister says pope needs to apologize to Indigenous people

Editorial: Why we support the bishops' plan to deny Communion to Biden

Prayer is source of strength in darkest times, pope says at audience

In Germany, blessings for same-sex couples exacerbate tensions with Vatican

Pope invites Lebanese Christians to Vatican for peace prayer

With world still in knots, pope turns to Mary with prayers

US Bishops try to rein in the Biden administration, but the Vatican is all smiles

Francis, the comic strip

New Vatican law criminalizes abuse of adults, even by laity

Pope orders visitation of Cologne Archdiocese

Vatican issues a street art stamp, ends up getting sued

South Sudan's Catholics still hope for long-delayed papal visit

4 reasons behind the Vatican's action on Communion for pro-choice politicians
