
Pope: Tolerating each other's flaws fights devil's attempts to divide

Pope's quotes: Culmination of compassion

Viganò's third screed unintentionally reveals his true motives

Editorial: 'Knock, knock. Who's there? More than half the church!'

Links for 10/25/18

Francis, the comic strip

Pope calls for stronger preparation for sacrament of marriage

At the synod of bishops, three modes of listening to the young

Pope calls for new alliance between young, old to change the world

Participants: Final synod document to focus on all young adults

Francis, the comic strip

Cardinal DiNardo: Abuse crisis discussed at synod, will top bishops' agenda

Christians are meant to serve, not be served, pope says

Synod groups on sexuality: Church welcomes all, calls all to conversion

NCR Podcast: Reporting from Rome on the synod and women's rights

Hypocrisy can be a leaven impeding spiritual growth, pope says

Viganò: Vatican rebuke proved truth of McCarrick cover-up

Pope's quotes: Works of mercy

Women's voice needed to fight clericalism, 'macho' culture, Cardinal Ouellet says

Editorial: Ouellet vs. Viganò exposes right wing's anti-Francis strategy
