NCR Voices

The ugly, divisive, morally obtuse politics of abortion

15 hidden gems in the synod on synodality report

Pope Francis' approach to theology continues reception of Vatican II

Don't overinterpret special elections tomorrow

Speaker Mike Johnson's biblical worldview is a bit crimped

Pope Francis reminds us — again — to reject clericalism

The synod meeting in Rome is done. What now?

Synod is a milestone in the reception of Vatican II

Civil libertarianism is wrong but helpful

At the synod, a new kind of conversation is evolving

Meeting demands of digital journalism with 4 new staff members

Biography delves into life of famed church historian John Tracy Ellis

Reflecting on Thomas Merton's 'The Root of War Is Fear' today

Cleveland Diocese LGBTQ policy a 'slap in the face' to God's creation

USCCB candidates' slate shows a divided conference

Communion and the synod: Starting at the beginning

Conservative cardinals have five questions or 'dubia.' I have six.

Letting the synod do its job, and letting us journalists do ours

Halloween comes early to Washington as GOP selects a new speaker

Pope Francis' responses to the 'dubia' cardinals were brilliantly done
