NCR Voices

What role should abortion play in the midterm elections?

Links: Catholicism in The New York Times; swing state midterms; Sukkot

US bishops pioneered a self-serving invocation of 'religious liberty'

At Sacred Heart University conference, theologians reengage with Vatican II

Welcome to NCR's new website

Links: Latino voters; National Review on Vatican II; how war in Ukraine will end

John McGreevy masterfully traces church history from the French Revolution to Pope Francis

Vatican II at 60: Is Pope Francis or Ross Douthat right?

About prayers and principles, and the politicians we elect

Links: Kanye's anti-Semitism; desperate Russian attacks; Archbishop Broglio's problematic views on sex abuse

The key moral issues in the midterm elections (Hint: It's not the economy.)

Links: Anti-synod arguments from Weigel and Müller; the Arizona gubernatorial race

The secret to healing the church is looking outward, not inward

People of faith should be poll workers to save democracy

What Catholic colleges and universities can learn from Pope Francis

Will laity be granted voice at next October's synod?

Links: Runoff vote in Brazil; rewilding a river; Waffle House and Hurricane Ian

As Italy turns right, a reminder: Christian nationalism always turns out badly

Synod on Synodality had its doubters, but it's proving to be balm for 'enduring wounds'

Catholic hospitals, not those who mock them, should decide how they provide care
