Soul Seeing

Be honest with God when you pray

A long time with Jesus in the wilderness

Desmond Tutu showed me what a soul-centered Christian life could look like

When a sign is a wink from God

Throughout 2022, let us pray a litany to the small saints in our lives

Christmas means we all belong, to Christ and to each other

What I learned from my guardian angel

That kind soul in the back pew reminds us angels dwell among us

What I am learning from 'God's First Bible'

Soul seeing, like love, changes everything

Mindfulness grounds us in God and the present

A postmodern Catholic divinity student lets go for a moment of grace

To remember God's grandeur, look to the sky

This tension is a holy thing

How I wound up living across from a strip club

Being a grandparent is about being in awe

The 'still small voice' of God quietly answers

Our spiritual teachers are all around us

The night when Christ pulled up a chair

God has woven me into the universe
