We say: That so many conservative Republican loyalists — despite the silence today from members of Congress — are among the most relentless critics is an indication of how distorted the political arena has become.
We say: Support for the dignity of migrants can only begin once the bishops as a group stop hedging their language and openly confront the inhumane immigration policies flowing from the U.S. administration.
We say: Support for the dignity of migrants can only begin once the bishops as a group stop hedging their language and openly confront the inhumane immigration policies flowing from the U.S. administration.
We say: The Supreme Court justices' opinions about the World War I memorial cross in Bladensburg, Maryland, show why culture warriors should be careful of what they wish for.
We say: The Supreme Court justices' opinions about the World War I memorial cross in Bladensburg, Maryland, show why culture warriors should be careful of what they wish for.
We say: Many of us have perhaps paid limited attention to the regular reports about rising numbers and deteriorating conditions for fellow human beings being held by our government. It's time to stop looking away and to start calling these "centers" or "facilities" what they really are: concentration camps.
We say: Many of us have perhaps paid limited attention to the regular reports about rising numbers and deteriorating conditions for fellow human beings being held by our government. It's time to stop looking away and to start calling these "centers" or "facilities" what they really are: concentration camps.
We say: Many of us have perhaps paid limited attention to the regular reports about rising numbers and deteriorating conditions for fellow human beings being held by our government. It's time to stop looking away and to start calling these "centers" or "facilities" what they really are: concentration camps.
We say: The continued awareness of law enforcement and journalism, as well as the vigilance of the laity, is the best guarantee we have that this scourge of sex abuse and cover-up may finally be lifted.