
Learning to be in God's presence always

Miraculous Medal chapel in Paris draws pilgrims seeking Mary's protection

Let us awake and be our brothers' and sisters' keeper

The blessing of a scapular

Turning your prayer life inside out

Our Lady of Akita's 1973 message to Japanese nun still resonates, say experts

'Contra spem spero': Against all hope, I hope

Bringing God out from the culture

Praying with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the inexhaustible source of love

Sts. Peter and Paul, the great pillars of the church

'Never wish life were easier, wish you were better'

'Prayer is life': Sisters share how they pray, and how that prayer evolved

Living on a prayer: A nun's guide to self-help

Communal contemplation for healing the world

God's arms remain wide open for you — even when you doubt

Wildfires and smoke alerts highlight interconnectedness of global community

Merging parishes and creating community

Finding God in the midst of suffering

Delving deeper: Sisters on their changing relationship with an amazing, loving God

Prayer warriors against the death penalty