
The Hand of God comforts and encourages us with love

We are all pilgrims. What footprints do you want to leave?

Fasting and feasting this Lent

Sr. Nathalie Becquart: 'Yes, yes, I will be voting' at synod on synodality

Why is gluttony one of the seven deadly sins?

Looking for a tent of refuge in the desert of our times

Amid darkness of Lent, 'God is bigger than any difficulty'

No one repaid your student loans? Rejoice for debt forgiveness for others.

Reborn of water and of the Spirit, we allow ourselves to be transformed

Embrace a good and beloved view of yourself and the world

Beyond a '40-Day Challenge': 14th-century wisdom for 21st-century prayer

How can I believe in God if I'm full of doubt?

During Lent, examine your consciousness and your conscience

Reclaiming our innermost sacred space

Jesus continues to be born in those who resist injustice

Asylum journeys bring some young women to Chicago's Bethany House

There are moments of grace, but Ukraine war's trauma seeps into people's souls

Look at each wonder of the world with awe and praise

Why don't I get what I want when I pray the rosary?

Living the spirit of Lent in Vietnam