Religious Life

Women religious blaze new trails in roles of authority at the Vatican

International Union of Superiors General set to gather in 'moment of crisis'

Viriditas: A key to discernment on the future of religious life

Yearlong novitiate program is open to novices from any congregation

Panelists reflect on how religious life changed their prayer lives

Keep elderly religious an integral part of the congregation's mission, webinar notes

Q & A with Sister Mary Joseph, new superior general of the Missionaries of Charity

How often have I been a flower? Am I ready to be a gift?

We all need a 'reset' button

Oblate Sisters say Mother Lange's courage, resilience is model for today

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur conduct leadership transition via Zoom

In New Orleans, Catholic sisters collaborate to offer hope, invite people to service

Amid UISG plenary's first phase, leaders share stories of loss and hope

Generation after generation of women religious have done great things

Throughout the world, Holy Week and Easter call us to serve the risen Christ

God wants me here: New insights into missionary life

Q & A with Sr. Maria Cimperman, collecting religious' feedback for the synod

Sisters of Life bring their call to love to new convent in the Catskills

Alongside Sisters of Charity, I slowed down and embraced the call to serve

Q & A with Sr. Ianire Angulo Ordorika on abuse of power in religious life