Religious Life

New UISG leaders find light and hope in global community of sisters

Simple gestures become hope: Meeting Ukrainian refugees in Croatia

Exclaustration: Not a matter of fidelity

Q & A with Sr. Bukola Familade on how persecution, insecurity affect the Nigerian church

Seek silence amid noisy world, pope tells Capuchin sisters

Why we stay: 'I have decided to invest in what does not expire'

Dominican sisters celebrate 50 years of religious life, friendship

Maryknoll Sr. Joan Delaney had a unique missionary vocation

Leading a truly global congregation

A vow of listening to each other

On her first plane ride, this sister thought about her vocation

Personal reflections on the synod on synodality

This unique art form may help open doors

Q & A with Sr. Shikha Laetitia Gomes, seeking more representation for nuns in Bangladesh

Why we stay: 'I was called by God, and I desire to respond generously'

Why we stay: 'A journey that stretches far beyond one's life'

Befriending the paschal mystery in a deeper story of transformation

Chapel preservation revives spirit of Dominican Sisters in Aruba

LCWR award honors Sr. Patricia Murray, quiet peacemaker who carries 'the hope of the transformation of lives'

Memories of 2 murdered nuns may raise profile of South Sudanese congregation