
The strength and faith of the first truly consecrated woman

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: A call to contemplation and action

The questions we don't ask are the reasons we can't change anything

In Nazareth, we light a peace candle amid the suffering of war

St. Thomas Mission Hospital joins the struggle to curb cholera in Zambia

Sometimes I need to tell the story to remind me of who I am

Pentecost Sunday at the Vigil Mass: Gift of the Spirit is evolving reality

No need to fear the fire within

How do we exclaim the joy of the Gospel?

What do you do when you know you are fire?

What would change in a church united through the Holy Spirit? Everything!

Angels on the road

Listen to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit

2 visionary women, much like you and me

Pandemic challenges open door to new training format

Life on the border: An account of a march for migrants' dignity

Understanding the Easter mysteries we just celebrated

What Doubting Thomas can teach us about not knowing

Sixth Sunday of Easter: God shows no partiality

My Muslim sister provides glimpse into a path to peace