Your thoughts: NCR posted two recent opinion pieces about the rise of liberal Catholicism since the inauguration of President Joe Biden. Or, have we been here all along?
Your thoughts: NCR readers respond to a recent opinion piece by Franciscan Sr. Fran Ferder and Fr. John Heagle that says many Catholics who voted for former President Donald Trump because of his "pro-life" stance were conned by the con artist himself.
Your thoughts: NCR readers respond to our Jan. 7 editorial, in which we write that among those with some culpability for the failed Jan. 6 insurrection are more than a few leaders in the Catholic Church.
Your thoughts: With the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6, revisit letters to the editor responding to an article about why some Catholics support President Donald Trump.
Your thoughts: In a recent column, NCR political columnist Michael Sean Winters discusses an article by Archbishop Charles Chaput talking about whether President-elect Joe Biden should receive Communion.
Your thoughts: Public opinion over statues of St. Junípero Serra — and the church's legacy toward Indigenous people of the West Coast — is divided, but Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has been holding exorcisms at the sites where Serra's statues were toppled.
Your thoughts: Benedictine Sr. Joan Chittister says her mother told her that something can be learned in everything. And Chittister learned a lot of lessons from someone she didn't expect — President Donald Trump.
Your thoughts: The president of the U.S. bishops' conference surprised some fellow bishops at the end of the virtual assembly with the announcement of the formation of a working group to examine President-elect Joe Biden's stance on abortion.
Your thoughts: With the release of the Vatican's report on former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, one figure was mentioned over and over again, St. John Paul II.
Your thoughts: We are continuing to dive into the in-depth Vatican report on disgraced former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, which was finally released Nov. 10.
Your thoughts: Thomas P. Doyle reviews a new book that examines clergy sexual abuse, in which the author's research is "nothing short of remarkable, stunning and most importantly, authentic."
#CatholicsVote2020: NCR reporters and analysts will be tracking developments at the intersection of faith and politics throughout the day Nov. 3 — and until a winner can accurately be determined.
Your thoughts: You may have seen the recent news that Pope Francis said in a new documentary, "Francesco," that he supports civil union laws for same-sex couples, which, as NCR reported, is not really that recent of news.
Your thoughts: In his latest Soul Seeing column, Michael Leach writes about how he needs to forgive President Donald Trump, no matter how hard it is to do so.
Your thoughts: A recent column from Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese has stirred up the debate again in the news that changing the words of the formula for baptism renders the sacrament invalid.
Your thoughts: Here's a sampling of letters to the editor from our readers in response to articles and columns that appeared on NCRonline in September 2020.
Your thoughts: Recently, President Donald Trump announced his nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. A graduate of Notre Dame Law School, Barrett's ties to the charismatic Christian religious group, People of Praise, has come into question.
Your thoughts: A new papal encyclical, entitled "Fratelli tutti" in Italian or "Brothers and Sisters All," will be coming out soon. Prominent Catholic women are raising objections to the title because it uses the Italian masculine plural to address the world's population.