The National Catholic Reporter has named its national correspondent, Heidi Schlumpf, as its new executive editor. She will succeed Tom Roberts, who has served as an interim executive editor of the independent Catholic publication since 2018.
Pope's quotes: "Childhood, given its fragile nature, has unique and inalienable needs. Above all else, there is the right to a healthy and secure family environment, where a child can grow under the guidance and example of a father and a mother."
Your thoughts: NCR readers are welcome to join the conversation and send us a letter to the editor. Below is a sampling of letters received in the month of January 2020.
Pope's quotes: "Migration today is not a phenomenon limited to some areas of the planet. It affects all continents and is growing into a tragic situation of global proportions."
Your thoughts: In case you missed it, Pope Francis on Feb. 12 released an apostolic exhortation titled Querida Amazonia ("Beloved Amazon") responding to last October's Synod of Bishops on the Amazon.
Your thoughts: Last month, NCR published a three-part series by National Correspondent Heidi Schlumpf that focused on Matthew Kelly, an influential Catholic author and speaker. The series looked into his life, his finances and his program for parishes.
Pope's quotes: "It is not enough to experience God's mercy in our lives. It is necessary for those who receive it also to be a sign and instrument for others."
Pope's quotes: "When terrorists or world powers persecute Christian minorities or Christians, they do not ask: 'Are you Lutheran? Are you Orthodox? Are you Catholic? Are you Reformed? Are you Pentecostal?' "
Your thoughts: NCR readers are welcome to join the conversation and send us a letter to the editor. Below is a sampling of letters received in the month of December 2019.
Pope's quotes: "Often we think that ecumenical work is only that of theologians. It is therefore important that theologians study, they agree, and they express their disagreement: this is very important."
Your thoughts: The saga of retired Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis and the question of priestly celibacy made for some interesting news a few weeks ago.
Your thoughts: In two recent opinion pieces at NCR, the political aspects of the abortion debate were discussed, asking for a change in how we talk about abortion and pointing out how both sides are falling short.
Pope's quotes: "To be able to offer thanks, to be able to praise the Lord for what He has done for us: this is important! So we can ask ourselves: Are we capable of saying 'thank you'?"
Your thoughts: As the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump gets underway, it's a good time to remind NCR readers that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was chosen as our 2019 Newsmaker of the Year.
Pope's quotes: "Praying the rosary does not remove us from the problems of life. On the contrary, it demands that we immerse ourselves in the history of each day, so as to grasp the signs of Christ’s presence in our midst."