Religion News Service

By this Author

Halted appointment of theology dean rocks the Vatican and beyond

As the election cycle cranks up, Christians need to call out white Christian nationalism

Supreme Court's conservative majority is making new rules for minorities

Why the synod on synodality is confusing to American Catholics

This just in: Catholic churches have the worst preaching and music in the US

The US Catholic bishops' spring meeting, or Clericalism 101

Catholic bishops don't support Trump's lies. Is silence enough?

Pope Benedict XVI's cousins stand to inherit his money. None of them want it.

What should the US Catholic bishops talk about at their meeting in Florida?

Can Pope Francis bring peace to Ukraine?

Playing chicken over debt and spending bills

Last Generation climate change activists to stand trial at the Vatican

Latino faith leaders to gather for summit on Christian nationalism

Nurse-midwife Edna Adan Ismail, opponent of female genital mutilation, wins Templeton Prize

EWTN, once 'the work of the devil,' now gets blessing from pope

Fighting inflation with one hand tied behind your back

Climate change is causing 'trouble in paradise' for the Pacific Island Nations

The Resurrection changes everything

Philadelphia Archdiocese accused of transferring known abuser to Catholic college

60 years on, King’s ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’ relevant as ever, say faith leaders

