A prominent Catholic parish in Chicago denounced abuse allegations against its popular pastor and demanded an investigation into those allegations be resolved quickly.
New air quality sensors, a collaboration of a multifaith coalition and local scientists, are tracking harmful pollutants in the city where predominantly Black neighborhoods are disproportionately exposed.
A new NBC News/Telemundo poll focusing on the Latino electorate found that 41% of Latinos who do not currently claim Catholicism as their religion said they had previously been Catholic.
Patty Krawec, a writer and podcaster from Lac Seul First Nation in Canada, talked to Religion News Service about her new book Becoming Kin and why rethinking — or "unforgetting," as she calls it — history is important.
Believers should become poll workers with a firm conviction that discrimination, lying and stealing are sins in any circumstances. As poll workers, Christians are obliged to follow their values, not partisan preferences.
The bishops' synthesis of 10 months of listening sessions finds that many wounds reported by laity are inflicted not by individuals but by the institution itself.
If the royal family is going to be relevant for the 21st century, it needs to help the world face the most important crisis of the century. And long before it was fashionable, Charles was warning about climate change.
Govs. Abbott, Ducey, DeSantis and their minions are trafficking human beings. These migrants are people, not numbers, who have risked everything for a chance at a better life, for a chance at survival.
While some Christian groups would like the U.S. government to make their faith the official religion of the U.S., a new poll shows most Americans know that would be unconstitutional.
Hurricane Fiona, the latest storm to strike Puerto Rico, arrived as groups like Catholic Extension were still working to restore church buildings damaged by Hurricane Maria five years earlier.
The process of converting bodies into soil is now legal in California after Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 18 signed a bill that will allow human composting in the Golden State.
The outpouring of affection for Queen Elizabeth II has surprised cynics. But people saw something special in Elizabeth — more than the pageantry and splendor of the monarchy, the celebrity eye candy that surrounded her.
Members of Apache Stronghold, a nonprofit working to protect the Apache sacred site in Arizona known as Oak Flat, are requesting a rehearing in their case against the United States as they seek to stop a private venture from turning the land into an underground copper mine.
On Sept. 3, 56 pilgrims from four countries gathered in Mexico City to celebrate St. Phoebe’s feast day and consider how they might urge the Catholic Church to reclaim the diaconate for women.
Will the synodal process work? Will it help heal divisions and foster a community that can spread the Gospel, care for the marginalized and heal the Earth? Or will it show the world how divided we Catholics are?