NCR Voices

Links: Mass murder in Texas; good news in Georgia; getting journalism right

With his Communion ban, Cordileone harms the church more than Pelosi does

Avoiding a deadlocked conclave

Links: Assessing the midterms; voter turnout; Southern Baptists' abuse crisis

Seek the openness of synodality, not the barrenness of ideology

Pennsylvania bishops should speak out about Mastriano's Christian nationalism

Links: Student debt relief; the Afghan withdrawal; a disinformation homily

By closing Catholic News Service, bishops show they've lost interest in civic engagement

Buffalo makes it clear: Racism and gun violence are a Christian problem

Links: Abortion extremism; culture war primary; new solar farm

Overturning Roe would not be a pro-life win

More Catholics behaving badly: Texas Gov. Abbott, CUA's business school dean

Why is the church failing in the West?

However the court decides, America will be fiercely divided on abortion for decades

Links: Ohio Senate race; sustainable energy in Puerto Rico; church and labor

Pope Francis highlights danger of staid liturgies that 'deny Vatican Council II'

Links: Amazon union firings; mixed feelings on Roe v. Wade; independent voters

After winning on abortion, it's time for Catholic bishops to switch parties

In Eva Fleischner's essays, the Shoah speaks to us across the decades

Perhaps being 'spiritual but not religious' isn't such a bad thing
