NCR Voices

New York Encounter explores 'urge for the truth'

Russian invasion of Ukraine raises moral questions about how to achieve peace

Links: Neoliberal economics; working-class faculty; the dud Winter Olympics

Buckle up for a scary ride, as CPAC comes to Orlando this week

An Olympic lesson from Tokyo and Beijing: Less hoopla and a return to basics

I forgive Pope Benedict. I hope others can too.

Links: Pachamama and COVID, Wisconsin Republicans, and the Ottawa convoy

Annett's 'Cathonomics' should be required reading in Catholic business schools

The good, the bad and the factual: Seeing American history through a biblical lens

Faith leaders need to step up to heal our political divisions

'Purity of heart' beatitude is at the core of what we need in this country

Backlash to RNC censure reveals fractures in Trump's GOP influence

Four things to look for in Francis' reform of curia

Links: Latina voters and the GOP; synodality at Catholic universities; and Lake Placid's Olympic legacy

History will judge the church harshly for its treatment of LGBTQ persons

Selection of Archbishop-designate Fabre brings US church closer to Francis' pastoral vision

Links: A free Ukraine; appalling Blackhawks comments; legislating curriculum

What one priest learned from listening to transgender Catholics

Abortion debate in Nevada presages more confusion

Olympics bring out the best, and the worst, of human nature
