
How do we exclaim the joy of the Gospel?

What do you do when you know you are fire?

What would change in a church united through the Holy Spirit? Everything!

Listen to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit

Understanding the Easter mysteries we just celebrated

What Doubting Thomas can teach us about not knowing

Sixth Sunday of Easter: God shows no partiality

On Palm Sunday eve came a Christ figure with a shovel

My experience with Global Sisters Report

Fifth Sunday of Easter: Heard it through the grapevine

Fourth Sunday of Easter: No longer I, but Christ in me

Follow the daffodil. There is only light in front of us.

Third Sunday of Easter: The only lasting power is love

In praise of the people who 'get you'

The Annunciation helps us face problems of our times

Second Sunday of Easter: Seeing (change) is believing

Transformation is the hope of the Easter season

As servant leaders, women continue to move the unmovable

Easter and the marvel of face-to-face encounters with Jesus

Should I stay or should I go?