
Easter Sunday: Doing the work of Easter

The voice that calls home

We're all playing chase games with God

Holy Saturday: Memories of loss, waiting and expectation

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion: The rituals of remembrance

The courage to be a God girl

Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Spirit?

Fourth Sunday of Lent: Why does God let it happen?

Unleash feminine wisdom on International Women's Day

Women and our half of the sky

Rediscovering the body through dance

The word of God is in my hands and heart and across the street

Lent is a time for waiting

As I heal and get my life back, God provides what I need when I need it

Second Sunday of Lent: A test with no fixed answers

When hearts walk together: A Lenten invitation to accompaniment

First Sunday of Lent: Leisure, a Lenten discipline

It's all about love

Does anyone know where the love of God goes?

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Be imitators of Christ