Religious Life

Sisters of St. Casimir's US-Lithuanian ties outlasted Soviet repression

New Ways Ministry programs support LGBTQ sisters, educate congregation leaders

Q & A with Sr. Barbara Lum: 'We can't go on judging people by the color of their skin'

Puzzlements on human nature in the convent

Novice's death in India puts spotlight on tragedies over three decades

Sisters connect in global webinar about coping with ministry and effects during COVID-19

Q & A with María Soledad Gómez Navarro, historian specializing in the lives of Spanish sisters

In formation to be a Benedictine oblate

Social distancing central to cloistered nuns' sacrifice for the greater good

Vatican letter to religious communities: no virtual chapters or voting

The future of religious life means real work on racism and a focus on vocation, formation

'A woman of faith, action and energy': Sr. Mary Scullion of Project HOME

Is there ever drama among nuns in a convent?

New Orleans and Seton Hill sisters' bond stays strong after 99 years

Distancing is not isolation: building community in a time of physical separation

UISG helps create a unifying consciousness that can change the world

How do you encounter Christ in the people around you?

In second pandemic, Benedictine turns 107, 'too old to be set back very much'

Q & A with Sr. Jane Herb, new president-elect of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious

Treasures carried forward: What I learned in leadership