
Environmental advocacy must be sensitive to workers and communities

Reclaiming the Holy Spirit and renewing the face of the Earth

Interfaith work on climate change, and a call to transform

Nuns and Nones project teaches sisters how to create land legacies for justice

Why St. Hildegard's spirituality of 'viriditas' is extraordinary

Investing in our planet can look like simplicity, connection and hope

California Dominicans' land use looks after well-being of wildlife, people

Monday Starter: St. Agnes sisters to conserve Wisconsin land in perpetuity

Medical Mission Sisters in India create center for quiet and healing amid the wonder of God's creation

Reflection in quarantine reveals the importance of incarnation

For 2022, a pledge to help save the Hudson River, 'a precious and sacred being in our midst'

To make of our lives something beautiful

Q & A with Sr. Joan Brown, on the complexities of the shift to sustainability

Monday Starter: Book tries to lift veil on abuse within women's religious communities

Rooted in values, sisters' farms grow connections to neighbors, the earth and just model of food production

Working farms highlight sisters' 'just relationships with all Creation'

After COP26, sisters pledge continued activism as 'an act of care'

Workshops look at how sisters' investments can tackle climate change

Sisters urge care for communities amid economic shifts and energy transition

Save the planet: Sister-related updates from COP26, the UN climate change conference