NCR Voices

Bishops' anti-poverty group will likely survive — but in what kind of shape?

New book examines conservative Catholics, and it isn't pretty

Remembering D-Day on the 80th anniversary

No matter the verdict, trial by jury is a blessing

Pope's comments on blessing same-sex couples and gay men in seminaries are not as shocking as some think

The long journey of the church, in hyper speed

The tawdry Trump trial that never ends

The questions we don't ask are the reasons we can't change anything

Hispanic theologians to focus on synodality at upcoming meeting

Key takeaways from bishops' discussion about overcoming polarization

Polling disparities between Biden and popular Dems highlight opportunity for party

Mrs. Robertson's memoir spotlights the life of an (extra)ordinary person

The problems with criticisms of 'Dignitas Infinita'

Bishop Barron's Word on Fire is too thin-skinned for its own good

Pillar publishes hit piece on US bishops' anti-poverty group

Blakely's book on ideology bristles with insights

New book revolutionizes our understanding of ideology

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton: When failing to succeed is success

The church is right to fight assisted suicide laws

Biden's outreach in conservative areas is key to winning, and to uniting the US
